Zero out Projected column amounts in budget projection

Description of Issue
  • Last year amounts show in Projected column and user wants to start with zero amounts.

  • Next Year Budget Entry Projected Refresh option does not list zero as an option for Apply Projected Actual Formula dropdown choices.


Next Year Budget Entry


  • Projected Refresh option in Next Year Budget Entry can be used with selecting the blank option for the formula to zero out Projected amounts.

  • To change the Projected amounts, it's necessary for Budget Settings program to have Sum detail projected to account level option unselected.

Budget Processing> Next Year Budget Entry

  1. Search for projection and Accept twice

  2. Click Projected Refresh

  3. Select Apply Projected Actual Formula

  4. Choose blank line at end of dropdown choices

  5. Accept

  6. Click Refresh Projected Amounts

  7. Select Back

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