GL_RevenueAndExpenseCube is missing
GL_RevenueAndExpenseCube is missing after EERP upgrade
Tables have changed when connecting in Cubes
Other Cubes are visible.
Was working for users at one point.
All users.
ASP -Process GLCubes:Error: Errors in the OLAP storage engine. An error occurred while processing the 'GL Revenue And Expense Fact' partition of the 'GL Revenue And Expense' measure group for the 'GLRevenueAndExpenseCube' cube from the munprod_General Ledger Cubes database
Cubes job failed at step 1 - Process GLCubes Error: OLE DB error OLEDB or ODBC error Invalid column name UnpostedActual
General Ledger
Cubes failing on Step 1 - GL because the Cubes job is corrupt or is not being updated.
Please contact Tyler Systems Management Support or log a case via the Online Support Client Portal.