How to Update The Georgia Tax Tables

How to Update The Georgia Tax Tables

Description of Issue

The state of Georgia changed to a flat percentage rate for all tax tables for 2024 for all statuses. 

How do I update the Georgia tax tables. The GA employer guide only provides table E it does not include the other tax tables.

  • Payroll 

  • Payroll Setup

  • Income Tax Table

  • Tax Table


New publication by state

  1. Go to Tax table (Payroll> Payroll Setup> Income Tax Table> Tax Table)

  2. Click Add

  3. Enter the New Effective date 

  4. Enter the State Code GA

  5. Define Tax Marital Status (Single, Married, Head of Household)

    1. Note - depending on what Martial Statuses sites are using will depend on how/if they should be updated/changed.

  6. Tax Table Code 23 should default in from State Codes program. 

  7. Click on Calc on the Ribbon. Enter the Standard Deduction field amounts that are applicable to the current year, below are the examples from 2024/2025

    1. Enter 12,000 in Standard Deduction field (If Single or Head of Household and Married Filing Separate)

    2. Enter 24,000 in Standard Deduction field (If Married Filing Jointly)

  8. Define 0.00 for the Personal Exemptions field and check the box for Multiply Exemption by Allowances

    1. Notes on the 2025 G-4 in relation to the Tax Tables and the Employee Deduction records:

      1. It notes to define the number of Dependent allowances on line 4.

      2. It then notes to define the GA Adjustment Allowances on line 5. with an instructions worksheet showing how to calculate that number, which takes the total divided by 4000. 

      3. Since the dependent amount is 4,000 for each and the GA allowances divide by 4,000, the total goes into the Exemptions field in Employee Deductions, which is multiplied by 4,000 during the reconciliation in payroll. 

      4. This is why the Personal Exemption line in the calc screen is defined with 0 and the checkbox to multiply is checked, so it's always 0 if there is an amount defined in the Additional Allowances field in Employee Deductions, since the total number of allowances should be in the Exemptions field. 

  9. Define the applicable Dependent amount for the tax year. (for 2025, the GA publication states this is 4,000)

  10. Click Accept

  11. Click Tax Table in the toolbar.

  12. Click Update

  13. Define Over amount as 0.00, But Not Over 99999999.99, +/- Amount 0.00, define the +/- % flat percentage as 5.39% (for 2024/2025).

  14. TAB down to remove the extra numbers in the tax table

  15. Repeat steps 2-13 for each of the Marital Statuses.

  16. Click Accept

Example reconciliation:

  1. An employee files Married with 1 Dependent Allowance and 1 GA Allowance and an Additional Withholding of 20.00. 

  2. In Employee Deductions, the calc code should be 06-Tax Table plus amount. 

  3. The Exemptions field should be 2 and the Employee amt/pct should be 20.00. 

  4. When the payroll is processed, the employee has a deduction gross of 3,000.00. 

  5. The standard deduction for married is 24,000.00

  6. The total dependent /exemption amount is 2 x 4,000 = 8,000

  7. So the total deduction amount is 32,000.00.

  8. The tables are annual and the employee is a biweekly paid employee so the annualized taxable gross is 3,000 x 26 = 78,000.00

  9. Then subtract the total deduction amount 78,000-32,000 = 46,000. 

  10. Then use the Tax Table to calculate the tax amount based on tax bracket, which for GA in 2025 is a flat 5.39% (46,000 x 5.39% = 2,.479.40)

  11. Then divide by the number of pay periods (2,479.4 / 26 = 95.36 tax amount)

  12. Add any additional withholdings, 95.36 + 20.00 = 115.36.

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