Getting error grade not within min max range in Employee Job Salary

Description of Issue

I am getting the following error when updating an Employee Job/Salary record: Grade not within min/max range for job class.

  • Enterprise ERP Payroll

  • Employee Job/Salary

  • Job Salary

  • Job Class Master


The grade defined on the Employee Job/Salary record does not fall within the Min and Max Grade range on the Job Class Master


Update the Min Grade and/or Max Grade on the Job Class Master so that range includes the grade defined in Employee Job/Salary

  1. Access Job Class Master (Human Capital Management > Payroll > Payroll Setup > Job Class Master)

  2. Search for the Job Class

  3. Click the Salary Data tab

  4. Click Update

  5. Enter the Min Grade and/or Max Grade

  6. Click Accept

  7. Re-open Employee Job/Salary > Search for the employee's pay record > click Update to make the changes

Additional Information

For instance, the current Min Grade and Max Grade range on the Job Class Master is S11 - S12.  But the Grade in Employee Job/Salary is S10.  Change the Min Grade on the Job Class Master to S10.