Database view containing audit of changes to Accounts Receivable Customers

Description of Issue

Need a database table or view that contains audit of changes to all customers in Accounts Receivable

  • EERP(Munis)

  • SSRS Reports

  • Crystal Reports

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Tyler Reporting Services Views


View database column option in Customer program shows all audit fields as derived


To view audit of a given customer in EERP(Munis), follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to EERP Menu > General Revenue > Accounts Receivable > Setup > Customers

  2. Search for any customer and click on Audit button in the top menu ribbon to view a history of all changes to that customer's record.

To view the same information through a custom report for all customers, the following sample SQL query can be used.


FROM sp_audit_history

WHERE sa_file LIKE '%arcstmnt%'

AND sa_key_number = '1234'

ORDER BY sa_change_date DESC, 

sa_time_changed DESC

In this sample query, replace 1234 with any customer number.

Additional Information