Options Are Missing In Over-Short Adjustment Process
I have recently upgraded from 11.3 to 2021.X and there are options missing in the Over-Short program.
Property Revenue
Over-short Adjustment
In upgrading from 11.3, sites will now have to add a batch to create adjustments.
Sites now have to add a batch in order to create an over-short adjustment. To do so:
Navigate to General Revenues or Property Revenues > Payment Processing > Over-Short Adjustment Process.
A message appears: Prior to running the write-off program, you should run the Payment Redistribution program. This will ensure that bills with some detail lines that are over-paid and some detail lines that are underpaid will be correctly reduced to zero.
If needed, run Payment Redistribution by following the steps outlined here: How to use the Payment Redistribution program
Click OK.
Click Add to create a new batch.
Enter in the fields as needed.
Click Accept.