Revenue Allocation - Unable to save changes to allocation when PL string is new or rejected status

Description of Issue

Unable to save changes to allocation when PL string is new or rejected status

System Log
pafsalocio_insert: Insert Error
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ActiveInd', table 'muntrain.dbo.ProjectAllocationLines'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

  • Funding Source String

  • Revenue Allocation

  • Configuration and Setup

  • Status

  • When adding a new Funding Source string if the string is in New or Rejected workflow status updates to allocation detail lines are not saving

  • The site only uses workflow on the initial add and does not use change set workflow for project ledger.  


Once the PL string is approved it can be updated as expected it only appears to be an issue when it's in New or rejected workflow status

Additional Information

It appears to save the update but once you refresh the record it reverts back