Print Lien List Update Error creating batch for delinquent bills

Description of Issue

Error creating Lien bills with Print List List/Update:

  • Error creating batch for delinquency bills.

  • TXADJBILBU: txadjbilbu_postAdjustment: Error creating batch to zero tax bills.

  • Posting to last fiscal year in periods other than 13 is not allowed.

  • NY Property Tax Billing

  • Delinquency Processing/Reports

  • Lien Processing

  • Print Lien List/Update


Using an Effective date and/or GL year/period pointing to a prior General Ledger Fiscal Year. Program is only allowed to post to current year/period and must use an Effective date that falls within the current General Ledger calendar or fiscal year range.


Populate the Effective date field and GL year/period fields with dates that fall within the current General Ledger calendar or fiscal year range. 

Additional Information

Contact Enterprise ERP Tax Support for further assistance.