Assess Late Fees selecting undesired bills and assigning zero dollar Fees

Description of Issue

When running the Assess Late Fees program with the Calculate fee amount from field set to Unpaid balance on selected installment, bills are being selected where the specified installment is already fully paid. In addition to being incorrectly selected, the program is also assigning a $0 Fee to the bill. 

Assess Late Fee assigned as 0.

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Assess Late Fees



Install the following release for resolution: 

  • MUN-476939 (2021.8.0.1477)

  • MUN-476937 (2021.9.0.1270)

  • MUN-475264 (2021.10.0.1004)

  • MUN-476936 (2021.11.0.690)

  • MUN-476934 (2021.12.0.158)

  • MUN-476927 (2024.1.0.0 Base Release)

  • MUN-476940 (2025.1.1.0 Base Release)

Additional Information

Contact the appropriate Enterprise ERP Support team, based on billing category, for further assistance. See the following article: How to determine the correct Accounts Receivable support team to assist with an issue