Add an Adjustment reason code for Tax adjustments

Add an Adjustment reason code for Tax adjustments

Description of Issue

The Semiannual Transfer program now requires a Reason Code but none are available to choose from


Maryland Property Tax Billing


The Semiannual Transfer program for MD Tax users now requires a Reason Code when processing semiannual transfers

  1. Navigate to the Exemption Codes program via the following path: Property Revenues > South > Maryland > Billing Setup > Exemption Codes 

  2. Click Add

  3. Enter the desired Code

  4. Enter a Description

  5. Enter a Short description

  6. Choose Tax Billing as the Module

  7. Do not check Totally exempt

  8. Choose Amount as the Method

  9. Set the Amount/percent to 0

  10. Set the Maximum amount to 0

  11. Do not enter an Account

  12. Choose Adjustment as the Type

  13. Make no other selections or entries

  14. Click Accept

  15. Re-open the Semiannual Transfer program. The new Adjustment reason code will be available for use

Additional Information