Creating a reporting account through CloudAdmin in AWS

Creating a reporting account through CloudAdmin in AWS

Description of Issue

How do I create a SQL Reporting account for user in CloudAdmin?

User needs a SQL Reporting account to build and edit custom SSRS reports in AWS.

  • EERP(MUNIS) all versions

  • SSRS Reports

  • Custom Reporting

  • AWS, SaaS hosted clients


Reporting Account is required for any user to edit or build new SSRS reports in AWS


To create a SQL Reporting Account, the following steps will need to be performed by an Administrator in CloudAdmin:

  1. Login to CloudAdmin at https://muniscloud.tylerhost.net 

  2. Click on User Account Management  > Manage User Accounts in the menu

  3. You will be prompted for your 2 Factor Authentication. Enter the code from your Google Authenticator app

  4. Search for the user you wish to modify under Find a user

  5. Click on View Details

  6. Make sure the email address matches with user's email address in User Attributes program in EERP(MUNIS)

  7. Click on Create SQL Reporting Account

  8. Have the user log into CloudAdmin (https://muniscloud.tylerhost.net), this login step syncs the current password with reporting account.

Additional Information

At step 6, if there is an option Enable SQL Reporting Account, click on this button to enable the SQL reporting account so that user can connect to database server with their email address.