Real Estate Bill Print slow for New York

Description of Issue
  • The Real Estate Bill Print program for New York is slow. 

  • The Real Estate Bill Print program for New York is taking too long to print bills. 

  • Property Tax Billing 

  • New York 

  • NY

  • Real Estate Bill Print (tnyrebil)

  • System may not meet the minimum hardware requirements. 

  • Database may need a full re-index. 

  • The program performance needs to be enhanced. 

  1. For initial troubleshooting, please make sure that the system meets the minimum hardware requirements and the server is not experiencing any performance issues. TSM Support is the appropriate team to assist with this if necessary. 

  2. Check the fragmentation in the database, confirm that delta re-indexing is being performed nightly, and perform a full re-index if necessary. TSM Support is also the appropriate team to assist with this if necessary. 

  3. If the above steps do not resolve the issue, Tax Development is currently researching the program's performance. 

Additional Information

If additional assistance is required, please contact Northeast Tax Support.Â