W2 Processing-ReadyForms-wrong year printing on W2s

W2 Processing-ReadyForms-wrong year printing on W2s

Description of Issue

Site is processing W-2s and the wrong year is printing on the form. Site uses ReadyForms, has all Year End code installed and has defined the correct year when creating the W-2s. 

  • Year End
  • W-2 Wizard
  • W-2 Forms Print
  • ReadyForms
  • Delivery Definitions

The ReadyForms Delivery Definition is using the previous year's Template for W-2s.                                                    

  1. Navigate to System Administration>Printer/Device Administration>ReadyForms>Delivery Definitions.
  2. Click Add
  3. Choose Document Model.
  4.  Enter name for Delivery Definition.
  5. Click Add in the Steps section to create new Steps.
    1. Create depending on how the forms will be processed (ex.: Print, Email, Archive).
    2. Select the template to be used in the Step, being sure to select the correct year.
  6. Click Accept to save the Step.
  7. Click Accept to save all changes.