No Approval Needed Status On General Billing Invoice In GBA Workflow

Description of Issue

One or more general billing invoices bypassed the GBA business rule and have an Approval Status of N, No Approval Needed

  • Workflow

  • Invoice Entry and Proof

  • General Billing


This workflow status indicates that either: 

  • the user who entered the invoice is a GBA approver and the pending action auto-approved

  • the GBA box is checked under System Administration > Workflow Administration > Workflow Settings > Exclude Originator

  • data entered for the invoice falls outside the parameters of any applicable GBA business rules


Deselect the GBA checkbox under System Administration > Workflow Administration > Workflow Settings > Exclude Originator and/or verify that data entered on the invoice falls within the parameters of the GBA business rule(s), as defined in System Administration > Workflow Administration > Workflow Business Rules. 

For instance, a GBA business rule with Type CHG - Charge Code will not apply to invoices with charge codes falling outside the charge code range(s) as defined under the Business rule ranges on the GBA rule. As another example, a GBA business rule with Type AMT - Dollar Based will not apply to an invoice with a billed amount which falls outside of the amount range as defined by Min Amt and Max Amt on the GBA rule. 

Additional Information