Clock In and Clock Out buttons missing when logging into TouchTime clock

Description of Issue

When logging into the TouchTime clock, the Clock In/Out buttons aren't showing

  • ExecuTime

  • Time and Attendance

  • TouchTime clocks


The Disable All Clock In/Out Actions is checked on the employee role

  1. To disable this option, log into the Time and Attendance application

  2. Navigate to System admin > Master File Management > Employees

  3. Find the employee and make note of the user's role under the Role Column

  4. Navigate to System Admin > Security & Permissions

  5. Find and Edit the role

  6. Select Other and uncheck the box for Disable All Clock In/Out Actions

  7. Select Save

  8. Login to the timeclock to confirm the user now has access to the Clock In and Out buttons

Additional Information

This setting should only be modified by Human Resources (HR) as this setting is normally tied to employees that shouldn't be clocking in or out