ExecuTime Supervisor Time Approvals - Wrong employees show in drop down when clicking Next and checkboxes will check and uncheck randomly

Description of Issue
  • When in Supervisor Approvals>Time Approvals I am finding that when I uncheck My Pending Approvals and Unsubmitted Timecards and approve employees time, after clicking Next to approve the next employee, sometimes those two checkboxes are suddenly checked again and the employee that should be next is the wrong employee. It appears to be random when this happens. 

  • Sometimes when approving employee's time and click Next it moves around to random employees. 

  • Munis

  • Payroll

  • ExecuTime

  • Supervisor Actions

  • Time Approvals


System Defects 


XTSP-1484 - Service Pack 2021.2.1

XTSP-1482 - Service Pack 2021.3.1

XTSP-1481 - Service Pack 2021.3.1

Additional Information
  • XTSP-1484 - When a supervisor accesses Supervisor Actions > Time Approvals and selects the employee dropdown, it has the potential to load the incorrect employees depending on whether or not another supervisor is accessing the page at the same time. 

  • XTSP-1482 - When the, Unsubmitted Timecards, is toggled on or off in Supervisor Actions > Time Approvals, all other supervisors/employees who log into the application will have the same setting selected as the person who last modified the check box.

  • XTSP-1481 - When the, My Pending Approvals, is toggled on or off in Supervisor Actions > Time Approvals, all other supervisors/employees who log into the application will have the same setting selected as the person who last modified the check box.