How to void or cancel a tax Lien

How to void or cancel a tax Lien

Description of Issue

A tax lien needs to be voided, cancelled, or transferred back to Category 20 from Category 23. 

  • Property Tax Billing
  • Liens (tllienmt)
  • Void/Cancel (tlvoidli)

The tax lien was either created in error or other circumstances require the lien to be voided. 

  1. Navigate to the Void Lien program either by searching or via the following path: Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Region > State > Lien Processing/Reports > Void Lien 
  2. Click Define. 
  3. Enter the Year for the lien to be voided. 
  4. Enter the Lien Number for the lien to be voided. 
  5. TAB and the parcel information should fill in automatically. 
  6. Click Void in the top ribbon. 
  7. Click Define in the top ribbon of the Void Screen. 
  8.  Enter an Effective Date. 
  9. Enter Reason for Void. 
  10. Choose an Adjustment reason from the dropdown menu.
  11. Enter a GL Effective date. 
  12. Click Accept. 
  13. Click Output-Post in the top ribbon. 
  14. Choose the desired print or save specifications. 
  15. A message appears, No errors detected. Post the void? 
  16. If the void is correct, click Yes. If the void is wrong, click No to start over. 
  17. If yes was chosen, a message displays, Post Complete. 
Additional Information