Bill Refund Processing including Applied Discount
Bill Refund Processing is including Discount that had been granted to the taxpayer for paying their bill early.
Accounts Receivable
Bill Refund Processing
Bill Inquiry
Development is currently researching the issue.
Current workaround is to create the Bill Refund Processing record as normal, but modify the the refund amount prior to Output-Rel the refund. The taxpayer should only receive a refund for the amount of payment they actually paid.
Within Bill Refund processing, click Update.
Tab until you reach the refund detail array and change the Prin Ref amount.
Click Accept.
Click Output-Rel when finished.
Discount is setup on the individual Charge Code with various discount rules to select from. Bill Inquiry will then calculate the discount on-the-fly based on a specific date range. Payments applied during that time, which fit the discount condition, can benefit from a discounted payment without having to pay the full due amount.
Contact the appropriate Enterprise ERP Support team, based on billing category, for further assistance. See the following article: How to determine the correct Accounts Receivable support team to assist with an issue