Reset TID-Community Password Via Community Access Profile Manager

Description of Issue

A Community user needs to update their password.

  • Tyler Identity Community
  • TID-C
  • Admin Center
  • Community Access
  • Password Reset
  • CAPM

User cannot sign into Community Access due to an incorrect password entry or a password reset has been requested on behalf of a user

  • In order to reset passwords through CAPM, the user/administrator must be part of the Community CSR group in Admin Center
  • Org Admins will be able to create this group within AC and add users as needed. If org admin access is needed please follow the following steps Remove Org Admin rights in Admin Center

Creating the Community CSR group within AC as an org admin

  1. Sign into AC as an org admin
  2. Click on the Workspaces dropdown to select an environment where the new Community CSR group will be created. All environments will require this process to have the Community CSR group populated for all workspaces
  3. Click Manage Workspaces > Create new group 
  4. For Group Name and Group Description, type Community CSR and click Next
  5. In the Apps section, click the square box next to Community Access Profile Manager - Portico to enable the App for the group and click Next
  6. In the Users Section, click the square box next to the user(s) who should have access to CAPM, and click Next
  7. On the review screen, read through your configurations to ensure they are correct, and click Save & Close

All users in the Community CSR group can perform password resets through CAPM via the following instructions

  1. Browse to https://<customeridentifier>
  2. Sign in with Okta credentials
  3. On the Community Access Profile Manager, type the email address of the user requesting the reset in the Account Lookup email field, and click View account
  4. You will see the user's account information
  5. Click Send password reset email
  6. The user will receive an email from Community Access Identity <>
  7. Click on Reset Password in the email.
  8. You will be redirected to
  9. Create a password that meets the required parameters; will need to enter the password in twice
  10. Click Reset your password.
  11. You will then be redirected to your Tyler Community User Profile
  12. To get back to Self Service, return to your community’s Self-Service website or search for your community's Self-Service page under Search for Communities

  13. Start typing your municipality from the Search Communities page to find the self-service pages. 

Additionally, users can perform a self-reset of their password if they receive an email from prompting them to reset password. The following steps Tyler Identity Community - TID-C - Password Reset detail this process

Additional Information