Accounts Receivable Workflow Business Rules

Description of Issue

Would like to know what kind of Workflow Business Rules are available for Accounts Receivable. 

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Workflow Business Rules (wfbrlmnt)


More information about Accounts Receivable Workflow Business Rules is needed. 


The following Workflow Process Codes are available to create Workflow Business Rules for Accounts Receivable: 

  • BOX - Lock Box Processing 

  • PEA - Payment Entry Batch Approval:

    • When a Workflow Business Rule is configured with this Workflow Process Code, Payment Entry batches must be approved by the rule's specified approvers before they can be posted to the General Ledger through Payments Journal. Payment Entry batches will move from Life Cycle Step 10 - In Proof Initial to Life Cycle Step 20 - Pending Approval when released when using a rule with this code. Once approved, the batches will move to Life Cycle Step 30 - Approved and can be posted from Payments Journal. 

  • PEO - Payment Entry Output:

    • When a Workflow Business Rule is configured with this Workflow Process Code, the rule's specified approvers will receive an email with the batch number, total items in the batch, and batch total when a batch is released from Payment Entry. A rule with this code will not require that the batch be approved before it is posted to the General Ledger from Payments Journal. 

  • PER - Payment Entry Reversal Approval 

  • PJN - Pmts Jnl and Post - Batch Notification 

  • PPP - Processing Pre-Payments 

  • RFA - Bill Refund - Approval 

  • RFB - Bill Refund - Batch Release 

  • RFN - Bill Refund - Notification 

  • RRV - Payment Reversals Notification 

  • RVA - Payment Reversals Approval

    • When a Workflow Business Rule is configured with this Workflow Process Code, reversals of payments created in Payment Reversals must be approved by the rule's specified approvers after they are created. The batch will remain at Life Cycle Step 10 and each reversal will be submitted for workflow as it is created. Once all reversals within the batch have been approved, the batch can be released from Payment Reversals, at which point, the Life Cycle Step on the batch will move from 10 to 30. A Payment Reversal batch at Life Cycle Step 30 can be GL posted in the Payments Journal program. 

  • TOA - Transfer of Overpayments Approval 

  • TPA - Transfer of Payments Approval 

  • WBA - Writeoff - Batch Approval 

  • WBN - Writeoff - Batch Notification

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