How to Access Munis GAS Web Menu

How to Access Munis GAS Web Menu

Description of Issue

There is a web-based menu for Munis that doesn’t rely on Dashboard or Tyler Hub. This is a useful troubleshooting tool for user access issues and serves as a workaround when Dashboard or Hub is not available.

  • GAS web menu

  • GAS menu

  • Munis

  • Menu




The GAS Web Menu URL will generally follow these formats based on the Munis version and deployment type. Please note that this may vary for some clients.

Munis Version

2019.1+ deployed with Tyler Deploy


2019.1 deployed with MIU




  1. Log into the EERP environment with a working account

  2. Open a GAS program (not a Central/.Net program) such as User Attributes

  3. Replace the program name in the URL with metremnu

    1. Ex: User Attributes URL: https://tylertown.tylertech.com/train/munis/gas/app/ua/r/mugwc/sprousrm

    2. GAS Menu URL: https://tylertown.tylertech.com/train/munis/gas/app/ua/r/mugwc/metremnu

  4. Have affected user log into Hub, then browse the GAS menu URL

  5. This should show you what username is being used to log in and may provide more specific information errors

Additional Information

You can determine what the URL format will be based on the sites in IIS. 

  1. Open IIS

  2. Expand Default Web Site

  3. Look for a site named GasADLive or GasWALive

  4. If neither exists, it will be located under the environment specific folder (Ex: live>munis>gas>app)