Tyler Cashiering Upgrades
We would like to upgrade Cashiering to a newer version. What are the considerations with this upgrade?
Tyler Cashiering
Version Upgrade
Tyler recommends upgrading to the latest generally available version of our software that is compatible for your needs and integrating products.
Always review major integrating products compatibility matrixes to verify version compatibility
Enterprise ERP (Munis) Compatibility Matrix (must be logged into Community first for link to load properly)
Review matrixes for hardware compatibility
Beginning with web version 2021.8, the Cashiering Hardware Matrix is released with its corresponding release number in the What's New section of Help Central
Always thoroughly test upgrades in a non-production environment before upgrading production
Close all batches prior to applying updates
Cashiering client and/or Hardware Console will need to be updated on applicable workstations
Leftover installation files from previous versions can cause hardware conflicts
Major Version Considerations
2021.1 will be retired in January 2023
2021.2+ goes to a quarterly release lifecycle. As the next release is available, the prior release will be retired.
See Cashiering Release Lifecycle for a full breakdown (must be logged into Community first for link to load properly)
Client is accessed via a web browser
Hardware Console is installed on its own - How to Install Cashiering Hardware Console
Device drivers must be installed separately - Cashiering Hardware Drivers
Integrates with Tyler Identity
Email addresses required on user accounts
!! This new web-based application only supports credit card processing gateways that support Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE)
Supported payment gateways (review Community post): Tyler Payments, OpenEdge, and BridgePay
If you do not accept credit cards, or if credit card payments are processed in a non-integrated manner, there are no issues regarding P2PE payment gateways.
Supported Tyler Cashiering payment vendors for credit card payments
This version will be retired in April 2023
Accessed through a desktop client and has a hardware console that is installed at the same time as the client
Hardware drivers separate as of 2019.3.6
Introduces integration with Tyler Identity
This version will be retired in April 2023
Accessed through a desktop client and has a hardware console that is installed at the same time as the client
Hardware drivers separate as of 2019.1.12
Please visit the Upgrade Resource Center and Upgrade - Cashiering Considerations for further upgrade planning and considerations.
Additional Resources