Unexpected Error in Account Entries - Perform cash level validation during AP and JE entry is flagged and cash amount is exceeded

Description of Issue

When entering a journal line that exceeds the AP Cash amount for the fund, user encounters error:

Unexpected Error

An unexpected error has occurred. Please refresh the page and try again. If the error persists, please contact support.

System Log
Program ID : ValidateJournalLine
Message: An error occurred in the Tyler business service
The data reader is incompatible with the specified 'Tyler.Munis.CoreFinancial.Data.AvailableCash'. A member of the type, 'withinBudget', does not have a corresponding column in the data reader with the same name.

  • Accounting Entries
  • Cash Validation
  • Genero Application Services (GAS)
  • .NET

ValidateJournalLine Error for expense account when entering in amount if Perform cash level validation during AP and JE entry selected

  1. Log a case with Financial General Ledger Support to link a case to open development work ticket
    • Primary site contact will receive email notifications and case status update to Update Available once work ticket has been completed and released
  2. Load MUN-461775 once it is available and test to confirm issue no longer occurs

Possible work arounds could include:

  • Posting the entry in Journal Entry/Proof.
  • Turning off the setting Perform cash level validation during AP and JE entry
  • Increasing the available cash in the AP Cash account for the Fund. 
Additional Information

The setting Perform cash level validation during AP and JE entry is a custom setting and follows specifications provided by the requesting site. This setting requires additional set up and should not be flagged for most sites.