Calculate Gross Pay Needed to Pay a Specific Net Pay Amount in Payroll

Description of Issue

Is there a way to figure out what the Gross Pay should be if we want to pay out a certain net pay amount in payroll. For example, what would the Gross be if we want a pay amount to be 1000.00 for a bonus pay out in payroll? 

We want to pay a Bonus of 1000.00, but we don't know what the Gross should be to have the Net Pay be the Bonus of 1000.00 after taxes are taken. 

  • Payroll HR
  • Payroll
  • Employee Maintenance
  • Employee Job Salary
  • Net to Gross 

  1. Go to Munis> HR Payroll> Payroll> Employee Maintenance> Employee Job Salary
  2. Search and define employee number and pay code, Accept
  3. Click Net to Gross in the toolbar. 
    1. Click on More in the toolbar if the option is not visible.
  4. Click Define. Populate fields as applicable.
  5. Click Accept and Execute, review Output Report and click Yes to update Period Pay with Gross Amount.
Additional Information

Deductions to Exclude: These boxes identify deductions that you do not want to include in the payroll calculation. You can specify up to three ranges of deductions to exclude.
Post-Net Deductions: These boxes define the range of deduction codes for the deductions to be taken without affecting the net pay calculation.