Amount due on bill in Tyler Cashiering does not match amount due for bill in Munis
Cashier noticed that the amount due for a bill in Tyler Cashiering did not match the balance for the bill in Cashiering or amount due for the bill in Munis
Utility Billing
Tyler Cashiering
Bill has a negative balance on one charge code and a positive balance on others. This causes the amount due in Munis to display as the total of all charges but in Tyler Cashiering the Total due is reflecting just the positive charges as those charges are due.
This can be resolved by running Payment Redistribution in Munis to balance the bill so that any credit balances are applied towards the due amounts on the same bill. This allows the bill to display with the correct amount due in Tyler Cashiering.
Payment Redistribution can be run using the following steps
Tyler Menu > Munis > Property or General Revenues > Payment Processing > Payment Redistribution
Complete Batch Information
Bills to Select
AR Category
Bill Number Range should be bill being paid
Redistribute by Charge Code