Common Reports utilized by auditors

Common Reports utilized by auditors

Description of Issue

Auditors request reports at end of year

  • Account Trial Balance
  • YTD Budget Report
  • Balance Sheet Report

Auditors need a Year-to Date budget report that provides information on revenue and expenditure accounts for the year.

Auditors need an Account Trial Balance report that provides information on revenue, expenditure and balance sheet accounts for the year.

Auditors need a Balance sheet report that provides information and confirmation that the Fund Balance is in balance for the year. Assets + Liabilities = Fund Balance


Here are the steps to run an Account Trial Balance report.

Financials>General Ledger Menu> Journal Entry/History> Account Trial Balance

  1. Click Search and enter criteria or leave blank for all accounts
  2. Accept
  3. Click Report Options and select criteria
  4. Accept
  5. Run the report once with A in the (B)alance sheet or (A)ll accounts field and once with B
  6. Accept
  7. Select PDF or other output method.

Here are the steps run the YTD Budget Report for revenue and expenditure accounts

Financials > General Ledger Menu > Inquiries and Reports > YTD Budget Report

  1. Click Search
  2. Enter in the criteria for the accounts needed. (Org/Obj/Project, Fund, Full Account code, etc.)
  3. Click Accept
  4. Click Report Options, update as needed
  5. Under Additional options update as needed. 
  6. Click Accept
  7. Click Back
  8. Click Display

Here are the steps run the Balance Sheet Report for Balance sheet accounts.

Financials > General Ledger Menu > End of Period > Balance Sheet

  1. Click Define
  2. Enter in the criteria for the accounts needed. (Org/Obj/Project, Fund, Full Account code, etc.) and select report options.
  3. Click Accept
  4. Click Display, Print or Save
Additional Information

Auditors may request reports with detail information

Year Period does not include detail in the YTD Budget Report

Trial Balance is not including detail

To give Auditor Access to Munis Financial Data

Financial Auditor Permissions for Munis Financials