Cannot add a Payment Method
Cannot add a Payment Method because the Payment method field will not allow the use of more than 1 character and all available numbers, 1-9, have been used.
Accounts Receivable
Property Tax Billing
General Billing
Civic Services
Utility Billing
Payment Methods (arpmtmth)
The Payment method field only allows 1 character designations.
The Payment method field in Payment Methods only allows 1 character to be used.
Payment Methods 1-9 are standard across every installation and cannot be updated, altered, or changed.
It is discouraged to enter a Payment Method using 0 as the first Payment Method is what will default for payments entered in Payment Entry. By design, Payment Method 1 is CHECK, so this is what will default as the Payment Method in Payment Entry.
Instead of entering a number, use alphabetical characters, A-Z, to create more Payment Methods.
If all single digit numbers and letters have been used, please contact the appropriate accounts receivable support team.
If additional assistance is required, please contact the appropriate accounts receivable support team.