Deduction Limit Options for Garnishment that Crosses Years
What is the best option to use for Deduction Limit for a Garnishment that crosses over years. Calendar does not work as it starts over each calendar year.
Enterprise ERP
Human Capital Management
Payroll Set up
Deduction Benefit Master
Employee Deductions
Employee will be paying garnishment back over multiple years.
Enter the Limit Type on the Deduction and Benefit Master
Access the Deduction and Benefit Master (Payroll> Payroll Set up> Deduction Benefit Master)
Click Update
Set the the Limit Type to Inception
Click Accept
Enter the limit amount in Employee Deductions
Access Employee Deductions (Payroll> Employee Maintenance> Employee Deductions)
Click Update
Enter the limit amount in the Employee Limit Field
Click Accept
If the employee has more than one Garnishment over time, the Amount in Employee Limit Field in Employee Deductions will need to be increased to include the Amount of the Prior Garnishment and the Current Amount, so the total of the two when the Limit is Inception. The other option is use a new Deduction Code that the employee has not had before for a Garnishment so there is no prior amount counting toward the limit.