Area 51 Sorry we can't let you in here - Chart Manager

Description of Issue

New user gets Area 51 error when opening Chart Manager. Other programs (Journal Manager) can be accessed without error. 

Sorry, we can't let your in here. 

You don't have the security clearance to view this page. Contact your system administrator for access. 



New User


GL permissions to Chart Manager are not granted or NULL


In System Administration > Roles

  1. Search and enter an existing Role in the Role Key field.

  2. Select the General Ledger folder

  3. Confirm the Role is still listed in the Role ID field and select Update

  4. Check off one or more Chart Manager permissions. 

  5. Select Accept

Additional Information

If GL permissions were NULL (-), or there is an error at the bottom of the screen, This field requires an entered value,  preventing you from saving the changes, you will need to populate other checkboxes that have a dash.Â