Error attempting to delete Payroll Miscellaneous Code for Telephone Number Type

Description of Issue

We are no longer using Telephone Number Type. We are trying to delete the PHON code from the Payroll Miscellaneous codes but receive an error

Munis (prmisccd)    
Error executing prmisccdio_delete.
ID:  [Delete 905]    Record:  [PHON:1]    Status:  -6372  [ISAM -50000]

Additional information concerning a status error of -6372:
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_TelephoneType_EmployeeTelephone". The conflict occurred in database "muntrain20191", table "dbo.EmployeeTelephones", column 'TelephoneCode'.

If you have any questions, please contact Munis Technical Support.

  • Enterprise ERP

  • EERP

  • Payroll Miscellaneous Codes

  • Employee Master


An Employee Master record exists with a defined phone Type for the Telephone Number Type Miscellaneous Code

  1. Navigate to Employee Master

    1. (ERP > Human Capital Management > Human Resources > Employee Job/Pay Classification > Employee Master) 

  2. Click Search

  3. Under Phone Information, select all Type codes

  4. Click Accept

  5. Click Update

  6. Navigate to the phone type to be deleted. Click Delete in the toolbar

  7. Navigate to Miscellaneous Codes. (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Miscellaneous Codes)

  8. Search for Code Type PHON - Telephone Number Type 

  9. Click Delete in the toolbar

Additional Information

Please reach out EERP Human Resources Support with additional questions