Unable to make changes to Projected column amounts
User cannot change the amounts in the Projected column in Central Budget Entry
Amounts in the Projected column are grayed out
Central Budget Entry
Budget Settings
Sum detail projected to account level is checked in the site's Budget Settings program
User can uncheck the setting in the Budget Settings program, refresh Central Budget Entry, and then be able to make changes to the Projected column amounts.
Enterprise ERP > Financials > Budget Processing > Budget Settings
Uncheck Sum detail projected to account level
Refresh Central Budget Entry
When this setting is checked, Munis will sum the Projected field in all details tied to an account. That sum is what will show on the Summary screen in Central Budget Entry. If the account has no budget detail entries, the amount will show as 0.00.
Because this process is automated, users may not make manual changes to the Projected column on the Summary screen unless this setting is unchecked. Users will only be able to make changes by changing the amount entered on the Projected field in the Budget Details.