Warning Deduction should be Excluded on Deduction Cycle during Import

Description of Issue

Mass importing one time deduction into payroll and receiving Warning: Deduction should be Excluded on Deduction Cycle.

  • Payroll Earnings and Deductions

  • Employee Import


Employees are missing specified deduction cycle on their Employee Deduction record that is being imported.


Update Employee Deduction record cycle fields.  You can do this either through the Employee Import program or through manual adjustment of Employee Deduction records.

To update manually through Employee Deductions:

  1. Navigate to Employee Deductions (Munis>Human Capital Management>Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Deductions)

  2. Click Update

  3. Click Cycles tab

  4. Select desired cycles and click Save

To Import through Employee Import program:

  1. Navigate to Employee Import (Munis>Human Capital Management>Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Import)

  2. Select Export Sample to export current program fields to Microsoft Excel and save the file to use as the source for the template.

  3. Click Custom Templates.

    1. The program opens the Template Editor program, displaying a list of available templates.

  4. If no templates exist, click Export Sample to create an Excel file of existing fields.

  5. Click New Template to display the New Template dialog box.

    1. Complete the template definition fields.

    2. Use the Browse button to locate the sample template file that you created in Step 2.

      1. If your template includes headers, select the checkboxes: First line contains headers and Attempt field matching based on headers.

  6. Click Upload

    1. The program refreshes the Template Editor page to provide a framework for defining the import fields.

  7. Select column headers and define appropriately.

  8. Click Accept to save the template.

    1. When you save the template details, the program immediately displays any applicable errors; you must correct the errors to continue.

  9. Using the template file, prepare the import file with the applicable data.

  10. On the Deduction Import screen, Click Define.

  11. From the Template list, Select an available template.

    1. The program displays the format type for the template selected.

  12. Use the Browse button to locate the

  13. Select the Skip First Line if your import file includes a header row that needs to be omitted during the import.

  14. Click Save.