Does Munis have the Ability to Read Consecutive Days Worked by a Substitute from one Payroll to Another Payroll

Description of Issue

Does Munis have the ability to read consecutive days worked by a substitute from one payroll to another Payroll

  • Payroll

  • Payroll Set up

  • Job Class Master


The Calc Code in the Sub Pay table was defined with 01 - INCLUDE DAYS FROM PRIOR YRS (INCEPTION) or 03 - INCLUDE DAYS BASED ON PRIOR YEARS BASE

  1. Go to Job Class Master(Payroll> Payroll Setup>> Job Class Master)

  2. Search required Job class 

  3. Click Accept 

  4. Click Update 

  5. Click on Sub Pay in the toolbar.

  6. Check the Calc Code field. It needs to be 02 in order to include any consecutive days worked by employee from prior payroll  

    1.  Click Update. Define Calc Code 02- INCLUDE THE DAYS FROM CURRENT FISICAL YEAR. 

    2. Click Accept. 

Additional Information