Unexpected Error for Centrals programs - All users - Server memory use high

Description of Issue

Central programs are giving an unexpected error for all users (in the event viewer on the Munis App server, this will show as a warning for ASP.NET:

Exception information: Exception type: ServiceActivationException Exception message: The requested service, 'https://FQDN/MunisHostingProd/Services/SearchServices.svc/UserInfo' could not be activated. See the server's diagnostic trace logs for more information.)

  • Munis

  • .NET/Central programs

  • MunisHosting and Munis<env> Client


Memory on the server has gone above the 95% threshold, which causes .NET services to fail (This is a Microsoft Windows Server feature and not related to Munis functionality)


Review available server memory and allocations

  • Typically SQL is using the most memory and will need to be reviewed to see if that can be reduced

  • If no memory is available to be freed up, then additional memory will need to be added to the server

Additional Information