How to Manually Add NSF Fee to Bill

How to Manually Add NSF Fee to Bill

Description of Issue

User was processing a Payment Reversal and either forgot the add a NSF Fee, or could not add an NSF during the reversal and needs to know how to add the fee to the Bill.

  • Payment Reversal

  • NSF

  • Bill Adjustments

  • Fee

  • Utility Billing 


User may have forgotten to add and NSF Fee during the Payment Reversal process, or the Payment method was not eligible to have the NSF Fee added in the Payment Reversal. 


NSF Fees can be added to Utility Bills by performing a bill adjustment to add the fee amount. Please use the following steps to complete this process.

  1. Tyler Menu > Property Revenues > Utility Billing > Bill Processing > Bill adjustment Management > Bill Adjustments

  2. Enter Bill Number, AR Category, Year for the bill that the NSF fee should be added to.

  3. Accept

  4. Add

  5. Enter Reason code, if unsure of the reason code, click the Field Help button  (...) to pull up the list a Reason codes

  6. Accept

  7.  Enter Charge Code selection, if unsure of the Charge Code, click the Field Help button  (...) to pull up the list a Charge Codes select the Charge Code and Accept

  8. Save or select desired output option

  9. Release/Post

  10. Review General ledger Effective date and change if necessary > Enter Reference > Accept

  11. Select output option > Ok

Additional Information