Workflow is approved automatically

Workflow is approved automatically

Description of Issue

After setting up a workflow business rule and testing the approval process, the action was automatically approved without going through the defined workflow steps

  • Workflow Business Rules

  • Personnel Actions

  • Security

  • Roles

  • User Attributes


The workflow business rule is set up with the and statement with more than one Role as the approver. Using the and statement results in the need for all conditions to be met and if they are not, the record approves automatically


To ensure that the established condition is met using the and statement, make sure the person expected to receive the approval notification has all roles defined

  1. Navigate to System Administration > Security > User Attributes

  2. Click Search

  3. Enter the user's full name, username, or initials to locate the individual you expect to receive approval notificationĀ 

  4. Click Accept

  5. Scroll down to review the roles that are assigned to the user

  6. Ensure the user has all the roles that are defined in the workflow business rule

Additional Information

Alternatively the workflow business rule can be configured with or instead of and, which would mean that only one of the criteria would need to be met