Project not showing in MTD Project Budget Report

Project not showing in MTD Project Budget Report

Description of Issue

User is unable to view a project when running the MTD Project Budget Report

  • MTD Project Budget Report

  • User Attributes


User does not have the necessary General Ledger data access for the project in MTD Project Budget Report


The project and program may be added to a user's data access in the User Attributes program.

Munis > System Administration > Security > User Attributes

  1. Search for the user

  2. To identify which roles grant General Ledger data access:

    1. Click the Data Access tab

    2. Scroll down to General Ledger - Account segment/group access and click the row to highlight it

    3. Click the View Detail button

    4. Use the arrow buttons to scroll between the records

      1. The role that defines each record will be listed under the Access granted by section

  3. Once the user has determined which role to change, click the Roles tab

  4. Select the role to be changed to highlight the row

  5. Click the Edit Role button

  6. Select the General Ledger folder

  7. Click the folder icon next to Account segment/group access

  8. From here, the user may:

    1. Add a new data access record that specifies the project segment and the programs the user needs to access the project in

    2. Update an existing record that grants data access in MTD Project Budget Report, providing access to the request project segment

Additional Information

For any additional questions on updating a user's data access. please contact Enterprise ERP General Ledger Support.