Users are unable to report on Balance Sheet accounts using the YTD Budget Report

Description of Issue

Users unable to report on balance sheet accounts while using the YTD Budget Report

Users unable to report on asset/liability accounts while using the YTD Budget Report


YTD Budget Report


The YTD Budget Report is not designed to report on balance sheet accounts

  • The YTD Budget report can not be used to report on balance sheet accounts
  • To report on balance sheet accounts, utilize the Balance Sheet Report, Account Trial Balance, or Account Detail History Report.
Additional Information

Balance Sheet Report

General Ledger Menu> End of Period> Balance Sheet Report

Account Trial Balance 

General Ledger Menu> Journal Entry/History > Account Trial Balance

Account Detail History Report

General Ledger Menu> Journal Entry/History > Account Detail History Report

Balance Sheet and Control Accounts in YTD Budget Report outlines a current software defect which allows balance sheet to be selected as an account type when using Seg Find within the YTD Budget Report. This is not intended functionality and will not include balance sheet accounts on the report.