How to Delete Account with Account Master

Description of Issue
  • Is it safe to delete accounts in Account Master?
  • Is Account Master the only method of deleting GL accounts?
  • Account Master
  • Delete
  • General Maintenance
  • Too many manually added GL Accounts, Mass Created or Imported and need to be removed from Munis either one at a time or in mass
  • Chart of Accounts clean up
  1. Browse Munis > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Chart of Account Segments > Account Master
  2. Select Search
  3. Enter record selection criteria to define a record set of accounts (ORG, OBJ, PROJ, FUND, Segments 1-8 etc.)
  4. Delete
    • General Ledger role permission required "General Maintenance on Accounts" to see or use the Delete button
  5. At the prompt: Are you sure you want to delete this record from the database?
    • Yes, Delete or 
    • No