ACA Electronic File Upload Error - TPE1130

ACA Electronic File Upload Error - TPE1130

Description of Issue

When we go to upload the ACA Electronic Files we get the an error on the IRS webpage stating: [TPE1130] Our system has detected an error with the Test File Code of your Manifest file. Please check the file and try again.

  • Affordable Care Act Report
  • Create 1094/5-B/C Electronic File

The Test File Code is incorrect for the type of upload that is being used.


First review if a Communication Test file is necessary.

  • Communication Test is only required for your first year filing with the IRS, once completed you may skip this step and go directly to creating the production Electronic File.

  1. If a Communication Test is not necessary, navigate to the program Create 1094/5-B/C Electronic File.
    • Menu > Human Capital Management > Payroll > 1094/5-B/C Processing > Create 1094/5-B/C Electronic File.
  2. Review the year shown.
  3. Use Define to adjust the year if necessary.
  4. Select your file type.
  5. Click Generate on the Electronic File main page to create your production files.

  1. If a Communication Test is necessary, navigate to the program Create 1094/5-B/C Electronic File.
    • Menu > Human Capital Management > Payroll > 1094/5-B/C Processing > Create 1094/5-B/C Electronic File
  2. Review the year shown.
    1. Use Define to adjust the year if necessary.
  3. Select your file type.
  4. Click Comm Test in the toolbar.
  5. Click Define.
    1. Enter the reporting year in the Year field.
    2. Enter the type record in the Scenario field.
    3. Enter your TCC in the Transmitter Communication Code.
  6. Click Accept to lock in your results.
  7. Click Execute to generate the test files.
Additional Information

Please review the Master Article - Affordable Care Act Year End Reporting for all related topics.