Position Control Types and Job Class Master Types

Description of Issue
  • What is the difference between Default Types in Position Control and Job Class Master? 
  • Should default types be added to Position Control or Job Class Master? 
  • Munis
  • Position Control
  • Job Class Master

Default Types defined in Position Control will add to default types already assigned via Job Class Master.

To locate the Types:

  1. Go to Job Class Master (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Job Class Master or Human Resources>Position Control and Budgeting>Job Class Master)
  2. Search for the Job Class. Click Accept. Click Types in the toolbar.
  3. Go to Position Control (Human Resources>Position Control and Budgeting>Position Control).
  4. Search for the Position/Job Class. Click Accept. Click Types in the toolbar.

User unsure if default types in Position Control should be used

Additional Information
  • Proper setup is to add all appropriate default types under Job Class Master, then define any Position-specific pays/deductions/accruals in Position Control Types
  • There is no functionality to import into the Types. There is a Global option in Job Class Master to add the same set of Types (Pays/Deductions/Accruals) to a range of Job Class Codes at once.Â