Munis Default User ID

Munis Default User ID

Description of Issue

In Employee Administration, there is a field for Munis Default User ID, how do we set up this default user ID?

  • User Administration
  • Munis Default User ID

The Munis Default User ID field defines the User Attributes record to look to for all users to communicate permissions.

  1. To create a unique Munis Default User ID value you'll want to first navigate to the program User Attributes and Roles.
    1. Menu > System Administration > Security > Roles
    2. Menu > System Administration > Security > User Attributes
  2. Choose either Roles or User Attributes to start.
  3. To create the Role record, you'll want to start by clicking the Add function in the toolbar.
  4. Define the required fields - Role Key, Description
    1. We recommend for Role Key something like ESS_DEFAULT_USER.
    2. With a similar description in the Description field.
    3. We recommend Menu Access be set to NONE.
  5. Click Accept to save the record.
  6. Next click on the folder General Ledger to access the GL page.
  7. Click Add and then Accept to save the record, no additional updates are required.
  8. Click Return and repeat the same process for both Munis System and HR Management/Payroll.
  9. Now that the role is established, navigate back to the main menu and access User Attributes.
  10. To create the User Attributes record, you'll want to start by clicking the Add function in the toolbar and then define the required fields.
  11. Define the required fields - User ID, Name, Short Name, Initials
    1. We recommend for User ID, something like ESS_DEFAULT_USER.
    2. Repeat for the remaining fields.
  12. Set the field User Account Status to ENABLED.
  13. Set the field Workflow Delivery to TYLER HUB.
  14. Click Accept to save the record.
  15. Say YES to the prompt to assign Roles to the record.
  16. Select the Roles record correct previously.
  17. Click Accept to save the record.
  18. To complete this setup, next navigate into Employee Self Services (ESS) and login with an account that has access to Administration.
  19. Navigate to Application Settings.
    1. Home > Administration > Employee Administration > Application Settings
  20. Define in the field Munis Default User ID the User Attributes name (e.g. ESS_DEFAULT_USER) scroll to the bottom and select Update to save the changes.
Additional Information

By completing the above you will have ensured that all users logging into ESS will have the base permissions necessary to perform Time Entry and Time Off.

Please reach out to Munis Human Resources Support with any additional questions.