Account Entry Method User Attribute Set to ORG Short Account but Munis still uses Long Account

Description of Issue

Why does Munis act like Long Account Account Entry is selected when it says it is Short Account in User Attributes?

  • User Attributes
  • Account Entry Method

The User Attribute Account Entry Method is defined lower case 'o' and Munis does not allow that must be upper case 'O'.

  1. Browse Enterprise ERP > System Administration > Security > User Attributes > Attributes tab
  2. Select the Update button at the bottom of screen NOT at the top. This button appears underneath the visible attributes displayed, and above the Filter active set portion of the screen.
  3. Update Account entry method (required) to upper case 'O' for ORG short account.
  4. Accept
  5. Reset Files
  6. OK
  7. OK
  8. Please have user refresh browser and try to use Munis again and confirm issue has been resolved.
Additional Information
  • No currently available version of Munis will allow lowercase o to be entered administrator would receive the error An invalid value has been entered for this attribute
  • Possibly brought in from an earlier code, Munis version, or conversation role import in maybe a non-case-sensitive site before the program was ultimately locked down.