CAFR Database Data Dictionary for Site Specific Custom Reports

Description of Issue

Does CAFR have a Data Dictionary that can be made available for site to create custom reports from the CAFR Database?

  • CAFR
  • Custom Reporting
  • Crystal Reports
  • SSRS

Site would like to create custom reports outside of CAFR using CAFR database


CAFR Data dictionary is not available for clients

Additional Information
  • Once Tyler migrates to AWS Hosted CAFR sites will not have access to the SQL database to pull the data with Crystal Reports
  • AWS will not have SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) ability in CAFR
  • A new custom report feature for AWS hosted CAFR will not be available immediately upon the slow planned rollout
    • More than likely custom CAFR reporting will be later in 2021
  • It could be possible to run Munis side reports to tie out journal data to Munis CAFR export balances
    • This would then match what is imported to CAFR as default data before it is broken out or rearranged.