Search General Ledger History for Journal Detail Comments Line Descriptions

Description of Issue
  • Does Munis have a program that can find all Journal Detail for any account that has similar Comment or Line Description fields information?
  • Journal Inquiry/Print
  • Advanced Find/Search
  • Reporting
  • Site needs to gather specific data with related Comment or Line Description
  1. Browse Munis > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Journal Entry/History > Journal Inquiry/Print
  2. Select option for Advanced Find
  3. Enter needed record selection criteria 
  4. Accept
  5. Review results and confirm needed data
Additional Information
  • Munis will display all Journals that include the record selection criteria
    • Eden only displays needed journal detail lines to accomplish the same results in Munis output to Excel and apply a filter.
      • Filter select in Excel auto applies wild cards.
  • Wildcard characters used in other Munis module programs are accepted
  • Only one wild card type can be used at at time