Journal Inquiry Print Advanced Find
Description of Issue
- How to best search for needed journals Munis wide?
- Can Journal Inquiry be used to search journal detail rather then header?
- Search journals by dollar amount
- Journal Inquiry/Print
- Advanced Find
- Search, Searching, Searched
- Site needs to gather specific journals tied to journal detail variables
- Browse Munis > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Journal Entry/History > Journal Inquiry/Print
- Select option for Advanced Find
- Enter needed record selection criteriaÂ
- Accept
- Review results and confirm needed data
- Repeat process if
- Too Much Data Received:
- Increase complexity of selection criteria on data fields
- Not enough Data Received:
- Decrease complexity of selection criteria on data fields)
- Too Much Data Received:
Additional Information
- Munis will display all Journals that include the record selection criteria
- Wildcard characters used in other Munis module programs are accepted
- Only one wild card type can be used at at time