Salary and Benefit Projection post to budget not using Pay Master Default Org Object

Description of Issue

When posting a Salary and Benefit Projection to a Budget Projection there are overtime pay codes posting to the wrong Object. They should be using the Default Org in the Projection Pay Master.

  • Munis
  • Payroll
  • Salary and Benefit Projections
  • Next Year Budget Entry

The accounts that post to budget are defined in Projection Employee Job/Salary and do not use the Default Org or Object in Projection Pay Master. 

  1. Go to Projection Start and Status (Payroll>Salary and Benefit Projections>Projection Start and Status).
  2. Search for the projection. Click Accept. Click Change. 
  3. Click Employee Job/Salary. Search for the Employee/Pay Code that needs an account change. 
  4. Click Update. Define correct GL Account. Click Accept. 

If a Post to Budget needs to be reversed, use article, How to reverse salary and benefit projection posting to budget. 

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