Error releasing Project or Grant changeset
Error releasing Project or Grant changeset
Description of Issue
Error releasing Project or Grant Changeset
Wnxtpe3 - Error opening SQL statement to fill workflow e-mail message with Munis data for the process (PSC) and activity (approve). Please contact software support. Status= -1349
Project Master
Grant Master
There was work done under MUN-394887 which was included in SP20 (2019.1) and hotfix (MUN-396205) that had an event built within the ticket that did not run.
Options to correct:
1) Load the hoftix and Re-run TDD
If you or IT need assistance with this process, a case can be submitted to TSM Support (On-Prem) or TSM SaaS Support (Hosted).
2) Load Service Pack 21 as the fix was included in work ticket MUN-394888
Additional Information
, multiple selections available,
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