Automatic CC payments not working after update when using Bridgepay

Description of Issue

Automatic CC payments are not working after updating to current service pack



Utility Billing









BridgePay has recently announced the end-of-life of their WebLink3.0 DCP mode, as it no longer meets BridgePay’s security requirements to ensure the protection of cardholder data. This change required Munis to update how automatic payments are handled when sites are using Bridgepay as their payment processor. 


Install the work ticket that corresponds to your Munis version

MUN-401745 (
MUN-401746 (
MUN-401747 (2018.1.28.0)
MUN-401748 (2018.1.29.0)
MUN-401749 (2019.1.21.0)
Tyler Deploy Release:2019.1.21.30
MUN-401750 (2019.1.22.0)
MUN-401751 (2019.3.16.0)
Tyler Deploy Release:2019.3.16.5
MUN-401752 (2019.3.17.0)
MUN-401753 (2020.3.0.0A)

In addition the following changes will need to be made in MSS hosting using the following steps. If you do not have access to your MSS Hosting site please contact support for assistance.

  1. Go to MSS Hosting site this is usually http(s)://[YOUR CLIENT WEB SITE ROOT URL]/MSSHOSTING
  2. Client Configuration > Edit
  3. Payment Services
  4. Change for the Payment Service used for Automatic CC Payments 
  5. Continue
  6. In Automatic (Recurring) Payment Processing section update Automatic Payments URL from to
  7. Populate the following fields (contact your BridgePay representative for these values if necessary)
    • Merchant Account
    • Merchant Account Code
  8. Populate the following fields if fields are blank
    • Automatic Payments Login 
      • This should be the BridgePay Login account
    • Automatic Payments Password (unencrypted)
  9. Update

Additional Information

Please see this article if you are unsure on how to find your Base (Root) CSS URL

What is my CSS base URL