Functionality linked to Payroll and Personnel Superuser
- We would like to know everything Payroll Superuser and Personnel Superuser enables a user to do in the system
- Staff lost functionality when not a personnel or payroll superuser
- Enterprise ERPÂ
- Security
- Permissions
- Payroll Superuser
- Personnel Superuser
These fields are accessed by going to System Administration > Security > Roles then select the option on the Main Tab for HR Management/Payroll
On the HR Management/Payroll Roles screen you will have a field for Payroll Superuser and Personnel Superuser that have multiple options to choose from:
Payroll Superuser
- No—Users are not superusers and cannot access many payroll functions.
- Restricted to Location—Users have access to all functionality in payroll programs for only those locations to which they have access.
- Yes, No Restrictions—Users are payroll administrators and have unrestricted access to all functionality in payroll programs.
- Projections Only—Users are assigned superuser permissions for Salary and Projections programs only.
As a payroll superuser, the Restrictions and Category settings are ignored in payroll programs, and the user cannot be restricted to a specific payroll run. The Payroll Run boxes are not available when the Yes, No Restrictions option is selected.
Personnel Superuser
- No—Users cannot delete a section in the Benefit Enrollment Sections program.
- Restricted to Location—Users have access to all functionality within the personnel programs for only those locations to which they have access.
- Projections Only—Users are assigned superuser permissions for Salary and Projections programs only.
Yes, No Restrictions—Users are personnel administrators and have unrestricted access to all functionality within the personnel programs
If the user is neither a Personnel or Payroll superuser they lose access to:
- Payroll Audit Inquiry
- Full projection number access in Projection Start and Status if not set to ‘FULL’ in HR/PR roles
- Employee Beneficiaries if they do not have category access
- Employee Dependents if they do not have category access
If the user is not a Personnel superuser, they lose access to:
- Training Components Maintenance
If the user is not a Personnel superuser, but does have sufficient category access to access the program (if applicable) they lose access to:
- DOB (if they do not have permission in HR/PR roles) in:
- WI Workers Compensation
- Actions History Reporting
- Employee Benefits Cigna Export
- Applicant Master
- Employee Benefits Fort Dearborn
- Employee Beneficiaries
- TX Employee Benefits PEBC Report
- Employee Injuries and Illnesses
- Payflex Export for External Billing
- Employee Case Management
- SSN (if they do not have permission in HR/PR roles) in:
- WI Workers Compensation
- Transfer Requests
- Employee Injuries and Illnesses
- Purge and Secure Attachments in Pending Applicants
- Saved Applications, JD Palatine, Merge in Applicant Master
- Applicant Status if they do not have role permission
- If the ‘Limit Attachments Based on Restrictions’ checkbox in Recruitment Settings is set, they lose access to XML attachments
- If the setting to prevent non superusers from deleting Applicant Master records is set, they also lose Purge and Delete functionality.
- Interviews, Purge, and Generate Openings in Job Openings
- Full range of projection numbers in Employee Notifications if they do not have full projection data access in HR/PR roles
- If the user does not have full requisition data access in HR/PR roles, they lose access to Update Status in Applicant Scoring
- Applicant Status in Assign Appointments if they do not have category access
- Applicant Status in Medical History if they do not have category access
- Applicant Status in Appointment Services Entry if they do not have category access
- Full range of projections in Projection Benefit Calculate if they do not have full projection data access
- Insert, Update, Delete and Email in Survey Maintenance. Attachments are also read-only.
- Employee Identification and Personnel Action sections of Position/Budget Request Form if they do not have category access. Additionally, actions workflow is not used.
- Attachments in Evaluation 360 Scores are read only. Additionally, Insert/Update/Delete/Copy if their category permission is Inquiry only.
- Purge in Employee Benefits CompBenefits Report. Additionally, DOB if they do not have permissions
- Delete and Purge in Case Management History
- Attachments are read only in Evaluation Template. Additionally, Insert, Update, Delete, and Copy if category permission is Inquiry only.
- Delete, Generate, Copy, Competencies, Ratings, Goal Ratings, and Types in Employee Evaluations
- Import in Employee Credentials if they also are not in live, or inquiry only
- Insert/update/delete in Task List Types
- Mass update/import in Position Control
- Insert/update/delete in Tasks
- Purge in Benefits Enrollment. Additionally, attachments if they do not have role access.
- Delete in Employee Substance Testing
- Insert/update/delete in Employee Tasks
- Delete in Enrollment Sections
- Purge in Employee Benefits 834 Export. Additionally, DOB if no category access.
- Resolution in Employee Case Management
- GL restrictions apply in Employee Drivers Licenses
- Detail access, Scheduling, and the ability to update Reason code in Actions Entry.
If the user loses Personnel superuser status and does not have sufficient category access for the program they lose access to:
- Employee Benefits Eyemed and UNUM Export
- Employee Dependents
- Employee Emergency contacts
- TX Workers Compensation
- Job Openings
- Actions in ESS
- Pending Applicants
- Applicant Master
- Applicant Interviews – Multi Add
- Survey Maintenance
- Position/Budget Request Form
- Actions History Reporting
- Employee Benefits Cigna Export
- Evaluation 360 Scores
- Employee Succession/Career Planning Status
- Employee Skills and Experience
- Transfer Model
- Employee Seniority
- Employee Training
- Employee Benefits CompBenefits Report
- Credentials Maintenance
- Employee Checklist Maintenance
- Evaluation Template
- Employee Evaluations
- Employee Task Lists
- Employee Credentials
- Actions History
- Employee Succession/Career Planning Status
- Task List Types
- Evaluation Competencies
- Evaluation Default Text
- Evaluation Goal Ratings
- Evaluation Ratings
- Evaluation Types
- Tasks
- Benefits Enrollment
- TX Employee Benefits PEBC Report
- Training Courses
- Employee Substance Testing
- Employee Groups
- Employee Benefits History
- Course Prerequisites
- Employee Life Events
- Transfer Employees
- Career Tracks
- Employee Tasks
- Employee Application Data
- Employee Benefits 834 Export
- Employee Drivers Licenses
- Actions Entry
- Medical History if they do not have category access for Employee Master and Terminated Employees
If the user is not a Payroll superuser, they lose access to:
- Employee Accrual Fix Utility
- Global Add/Delete
- Payroll Audit Options
- Payroll Field Level Security
- Purge Accumulator History
- Purge Check History
- Purge Earnings and Deductions History
- Accruals By Day in ESS
- Access to main, Dates, Pays, Deductions, and Accruals in ESS Actions
- Time Entry Rules
- Copy Data
- Full GL Org access if not otherwise set
- Access to update the Vendor Number field in Employee Deductions
If the user is not a Payroll superuser and has sufficient category access for the program (if applicable), they lose access to:
- Employee DOB (if they do not have permission in HR/PR roles) in:
- Staff Reaching Age 65 Report
- AK DEED Staff Accounting Report
- AK Quarterly Unemployment Report
- Payroll File Maintenance
- Employee Dependents
- Employee Export
- Employee Inquiry
- UT Retirement Report
- Fidelity Export
- Employee Fire Department
- GA SPA Flex Benefit Export
- GA SGSEPS and PSERS Reports
- GA New Hire Report
- GA PSERS Report
- GA Eligible Employee Export
- Guam Staffing Pattern Report
- IA PERS Report
- ID PERSI Report
- IL TRS Retirement Report
- IN Certified Employee/Position
- Insurance Export
- Insurance Report
- KY Earnings Retirement Report
- KY New Hire Report
- Life Insurance Changes Report
- Life Insurance Report
- MA DOE MEPID Import and Export
- ME Retirement Report
- MI REP Report
- MN PERA Maintenance
- MN PERA Report
- MT PERIS Report
- NH Working Retirees Report
- NM New Hire Report
- OH DOE EMIS Report
- OH SERS Report
- OK DOE Report
- OK TRS Report
- OR ODE Report
- PA PERS Retirement Reporting
- Uaw Union Dues Mag Media
- WA New Hire Report
- Texas PEIMS Unique ID Import/Export
- KY Sick Leave Report
- RI New Hire Report
- AL Retirement Contribution and Enrollment Report
- CO New Hire Report
- TX TRS Report
- Pension Employee Master
- Employee SSN (if they do not have permission in HR/PR roles) in:
- MD State Retirement Agency Payroll Report
- Time Entry Worksheet
- Risk Code Reporting
- Texas PEIMS Unique ID Import/Export
- USVI Employer Wage Report
- ADEConnect Employee Info
- Delete in 1099-MISC Maintenance
- Purge in Accrual History Entry
- Update in Process Retro Pay
- Insert, update in Employee Accumulators
- Reset warrants in ADP Interface
- File, vendor, void file reversal in Advice Register and Export
- Pay type override in Payroll Allocations
- Delete in Manual Check Reconciliation. Additionally, they may not swap the void/unclear status of a pair of checks.
- Insert/update/delete in County Coverage Maintenance if not set in Health Insurance Parameters
- Employee Details menu if no category access
- Delete in 1094/1095-B/C Electronic File
- Global Add/Delete in Employee Accruals
- Ability to automatically update records with a NULL effective date in Employee Assignments
- Field level security is enabled in Condensed Employee Master
- Field level security is enabled in Employee Job/Salary
- Payroll Reversal, Accrued Expense Reversal, Restart-Update in Employee File Update
- Update/delete in Employee User Defined Fields if no category access
- Purge in GA Teacher Retirement Maintenance
- Purge in Remittance Maintenance
- Insert/update/delete in Health Insurance Enrollment Maintenance if not set in Health Insurance Parameters
- Import in Job Class Master
- Insert/update/delete in KY Employee Benefits
- Review/Synchronize MUNIS Employee Master account discrepancies with LDAP option in Payroll LDAP Synchronization Report
- Global Add/Delete in MA Retirement Maintenance
- Field level security is used in Employee Master. Additionally, DOB if no permission and ESS Access and delete are disabled.
- Purge, Delete in Payroll Master File Audit. SSN if they do not have SSN category permission. Additionally, they may only obtain records associated with their current user.
- Insert/update/delete in Insurance Premiums (assuming maintenance has been enabled in Health Insurance Parameters)
- Modify UOM, View SSNs, View Accrual Balances/Sick Bank, View/Maintain Reasons, Move Batches, Find Pending, Access to other locations’ batches, ability to verify own batches, verify others’ batches, Access to non-subordinates, and Merge batches in Time Entry if not set in HR/PR Roles. Additionally, access to Delete and Import is lost.
- Dock pay and View/Maintain Deductions if not set in HR/PR roles
- Global in KY Teacher Retirement Maintenance
- Access to Insert/Update/Delete/Start/Users/Balloon in Payroll Start and Status if not set in roles.
- View/Maintain all deductions in Payroll Earning and Deductions Proof if not set in roles
- Delete in W-4 ESS Setup
- Delete and Mass Delete in Payroll Accrual Buyout Election Periods
- Insert/Update/Delete in W2/1099-R Maintenance
- Update Step in TX teacher Service Record
- Access to other location’s batches, ability to post own and other’s batches if no set in HR/PR roles.
- Addresses, salaries, demographics, user defined fields in TSPC Export if no category access
- Delete in W-2 Maintenance
- Delete and Purge in Audits
- Insert/Update/Delete in Miscellaneous Codes
- Insert/Update/Delete in Employee W-2c
- View Employee in Applicant Master if no category access for live or terminated
- Move In Vendor Import if ability to post other’s batches is not set in HR/PR roles
If the user is not a Payroll superuser and does not have sufficient category access for the program, they lose access to:
- ACA Period Records
- Accrual Payroll Compensatory Buyout
- Employee Accruals Report
- AK DEED Staff Accounting Report
- AK Retirement Period Records
- AK Retirement Report
- AZ Retirement Maintenance
- Employee Benefits Pool
- Benefits Pool Generate
- LA Bus Mileage Maintenance
- LA School Bus Driver Maintenance
- CA Retirement Maintenance
- CA myCalPERS Payroll Contribution File
- CA myCalPERS Participants
- CA myCalPERS Retirement Enrollments
- CalPERS Report
- CalSTRS Report
- CA Teacher Retirement Maintenance
- CO FPPA Report if they do not also have sufficient SSN permissions
- CT Teacher Retirement Maintenance
- EEO-5 Report
- Employee Accruals
- Employee Assignments
- Employee Benefit Premium Arrears
- Employee Certifications
- Employee Education
- Employee Emergency Contacts
- Employee Export
- Employee Capital Assets and Inventory
- Employee Pay History
- Employee Inquiry
- Employee Work Locations
- Condensed Employee Master
- Employee Job/Salary
- Employee Substitute Pay History
- UT Retirement Report
- Employee User Defined Fields
- FL DOE Import
- FL Retirement Maintenance
- GA CPI Assignment Maintenance
- GA SGSEPS and PSERS Reports
- GA PSERS Report
- GA Portal Security Extract and Report
- GA Teacher Retirement Maintenance
- MT Teacher Retirement Report
- Employee Grade Levels
- Guam Staffing Pattern Report
- History Inquiry
- Employee I-9 Tracking
- ID PERSI Report
- IL TRS Retirement Report
- IN Certified Employee/Position
- IN Non-Certified Personnel Report
- IN P-31 Report
- IN ERM Report
- KY Deferred Comp Report
- KYCERS Retirement Maintenance
- CERS START Monthly Report
- KY KTRS Report
- TRSL and LSERS Maintenance
- Payroll LDAP Synchronization Report
- MA Retirement Maintenance
- Employee Master
- MA Teacher Retirement Report
- MD State Retirement Agency Payroll Maintenance
- Employee MEA Dues Maintenance
- MEA Employee
- ME Retirement Maintenance
- MI REP Employee Maintenance
- MI Retirement Maintenance
- MI REP Report
- MI ORSE Retirement Report
- MN PERA Exclusion Report
- MN PERA Maintenance
- MN PERA Report
- MO Retirement Maintenance
- MS PERS Retirement Maintenance
- MT PERIS Report
- NC Employee Retirement Maintenance
- NH Working Retirees Report
- NH DOE Fall Reports
- NM Retirement Maintenance
- NY Employee Retirement Maintenance
- NY Teacher Retirement Maintenance
- OH DOE EMIS Report
- OH SERS Report
- OH Police and Fire Retirement Maintenance
- OH PERS Non-Contributing List Report
- OK DOE Report
- OK TRS Report
- OTRS IRS Report
- OR ODE Report
- OR Retirement Maintenance
- OR PERS Retirement Report
- PA Act 32 Report
- PA Retirement Maintenance
- PA PERS Retirement Reporting
- PA PIMS Educator Report
- Telestaff Export
- KY Teacher Retirement Maintenance
- Master Work Schedules
- TX TRS Statutory Minimum Report
- Year End Accrued Expense Inquiry
- VA Retirement Maintenance
- VA Retirement Report
- Texas PEIMS Unique ID Import/Export
- UT Retirement Maintenance
- WI 1202 Report
- WA S275 Employee Maintenance
- Employee Years of Service
- SC Police and State Retirement Maintenance
- WI Retirement Report
- Employee Sick Bank
- Sick Bank History
- Actions Entry in ESS
- Accrual Forecast Report
- TX TRS Maintenance
- TX MRS Report
- TN TCRS Maintenance
- TN TCRS Reporting
- TN 401k Plan Reporting
- Risk Code History
- RI Retirement Maintenance
- Default Scheduled Hours F/M
- TSPC Export
- Global Project Update
- VA Instructional Personnel (MSC/IPAL) Maintenance
- VA New Hire Report
- VA Retirement Report
- VA Retirement Maintenance
- USVI GERS Report
- USVI-GERS Deduction Import
- Applicant Master
- Civil Service Payroll Validation
- Employee/Applicant Medical History
- Credentials Maintenance
- Training Course Import
- Employee Training Import
Please reach out to Enterprise ERP Payroll Support or Enterprise ERP Human Resources Support with any additional questions